Home made pregnancy test with sugar, salt and toothpaste

There are various methods of testing pregnancy by Homemade Pregnancy Test with shampoo, sugar, toothpaste, baking soda, soap and salt. 

Even women nowadays find it suitable to check their pregnancy themselves rather than going to the doctor and take a test there. They find it safe and secure to take the test themselves, at their home. Their privacy is not disturbed and the tests obtained are within the reach. The results obtained by the advanced digital tests and the manual ones are easy to read and convenient to interpret.

Home-made tests are reliable as well, but for complete confirmation, you ultimately have to make a visit to a health clinic. Home-made pregnancy tests are easy to make as all the materials required can be found at your home very easily. They actually work, and you can test them yourself.
Above all, they are reliable, easy to make and require low input of income.
These tests are also beneficial for the women or girls, who have unprotected sex and are afraid to ask out for a pregnancy test in the market due to social and intellectual issues.

Homemade pregnancy test with toothpaste

Who knew toothpaste can be used to check pregnancy? Yes, the toothpaste you use can be used to check pregnancy. Just you need to follow the below given guidelines.

  • You need to ensure that you have plain toothpaste. No fancy toothpaste with salt in it or the shining mint crystals would work here. Do not use the dual colour one as well. PLAIN we recommend!
  • Now, the first morning urine is a must. It is the most concentrated urine of the day, as you dilute it by drinking water as the day passes.

  • The quantity of toothpaste has not been specifically mentioned. But do not take too less and not too much.
  • Collect the toothpaste in a container. A bowl would fit the purpose.
  • The amount of urine is also not defined; hence you can take as much urine as the toothpaste is.
  • Mix the first morning urine with the toothpaste. You can take a spatula to mix the contents and make it into a uniform mixture.
  • The paste can give out bubbles on chemical reaction. This is not the indicative of your pregnancy. If the blue colour emerges out, it is the sign that you are pregnant.
  • Do not completely rely on this. As you find out that you are pregnant, go for a blood test. But, yes, this pregnancy test is synonymous to any other test.

Homemade pregnancy test with sugar

pregnancy test with urine

Sugar gives out an easy-to-do way and easy-to-interpret results. Here, you may follow the below guidelines:

  • Take fine sugar. Do not use the one with big granules. The fine sugar would be easy to check the results by observation.
  • 2-3 tablespoons would serve the purpose.
  • First morning urine should be used here!
  • Put the urine sample in the sugar. You may try to stir it with the spatula, but do not overdo it. One or two circles of stirring are enough.
  • Now you may observe the results in a few minutes.

1. If the sugar gets completely dissolved, then you are not pregnant.
2. If the sugar accumulates or clump together in groups, then you are pregnant. The reason behind this observation is that the pregnancy hormone found in the urine does not allow the dissolution of sugar in it. As a result, clumps are formed.

The results should be accompanied by a confirmatory test, which should be taken by you on a visit to the health clinic.

test pregnancy using salt

Homemade pregnancy test with salt

You may also try one of the best among homemade pregnancy test methods. Salt pregnancy test is considered the most effective and the easiest method of testing their pregnancy by pregnant women. Homemade Pregnancy test with salt can be done by following this simple method below:Method:homemade pregnancy test with salt1. Take a neat and clean plastic or small glass container.
2. Collect the fresh sample of first urine in the morning.
3. Add a pinch or two of salt to it.
4. Check if urine forms creamy white substance like milk cheese.
5. Milk Cheese like substance confirms pregnancy.
6. If nothing happens, you are not pregnant.

test pregnancy using bleach
pregnant women pictures

Does the bleach pregnancy test work?

How to test pregnancy with bleachBleach is one of those oh-so handy household products most of us probably have somewhere (if you have little ones already, stored safely away from them we hope!)But can it really be used to tell if you’re pregnant or not? Well, apparently so! And some of the mums have been trying it out.

What is the home bleach test?

The basic idea of the test is that if you add your urine to a cup of bleach and it produces a foam – like the pic above and you’re pregnant “Hi, I have found out that if [the bleach] bubbles, foams or fizzes and stays in the cup, you are pregnant!“If nothing happens and it dissolves you are not pregnant! As the bleach detects the pregnancy hormones and makes a reaction that stays there! Fingers crossed x”

What’s the science behind it?

The general premise is that the hormone hCG, present in your urine only if you’re pregnant, reacts with the bleach to cause a fizz.To start with we should say there’s no standardisation of this test – so it’s pretty hard to look at it scientifically. People use different amounts of urine, different amounts of bleach and containers in various materials to carry out the test.
These are cheap ways to know your status especially if you do not have much cash on you or you are too anxious to fins out if you are pregnant.


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